Monday, October 7, 2013


小时候 念书的动力 是一步一步迈向自己对未来的想象和憧憬 再加上把考试考好 被师长称赞的那种优越感
关于上课 我忘了 我只记得小时候只读两年幼稚园 而那些读三年的就比我早一年就开始上课了
每天看着雪晶时间一到就背着小书包走出去等巴士 就很羡慕的说 
长大后 喜欢上课是因为可以跟朋友讲话 见到朋友
现在 老了 才发现念书, 学习好像是一辈子的事 永远都做不完 永远都不会有完结篇 
看见学长学姐毕业了 我很是羡慕 我还有两年 加油呗 我一定可以的
最近有点小忙 脾气很不好 我好期待假期
庆幸的是 我找到了一个我念书的动力--(不是我男朋友, 虽然他也是其中一个动力)

看到这张蛋椅 整个人心情都好去 
只可惜一椅难求 明天7个小时马拉松上课 所以我要说晚安咯

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Study life

This is the 4th week of lecture, even though this is my 3rd year of law school where core subjects turn less, but I still feel my time is not enough
EL is not as interesting as I think. Learning Thai (particularly a brand new language) for me is like I feel like I was an idiot, I cannot even persuade myself to pronounce it and treat it as another meaning. Okay, I just hope I can boost my pointer as I planned. Another EL is English in advertising, the lecture is bored, every Mon and Wed 3-4pm (take a nap time) especially this is the time where my stomach digest my lunch and I felt sleepy. Nevertheless, the tutorial is just nice, I discovered many special advertisement which I never see it and even take a look on it.
About Project Paper, this really headache me. I think I will do renewable energy act (solar energy) as what my supervisor Prof. Abu Bakar suggested. At least he can guide me and provide me some resources :P
But the problem now is I not yet squeeze a time for the Literature Review, methadology all that... 11/11/13 will be the due date, when is it can I finished it?
Employment assignment due date 18/10/13 (2 weeks more from now)
English research topic due date 28/10/13
Haji holidays is next week. OMG is going to be crazy especially with the freaking cold air-cond in the library
Because of lack of time and time management, I always opt for short book like when I studied contract, I used Alsagoff, PIL I used Abdul Ghafur. Now, Company law turn, I use Chan Wai Meng. Super lazy bum indeed. HAHA

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


昨天吃了那场饭后 最令我念念不忘的是这句话
The only person will love you with no condition is your mother.
再加上 昨晚才把三个礼拜前妈妈叫我带来吃的水果解决掉 我真心的开始想妈妈
尤其是课业上也有很多烦人的事情 真的需要精神上的支持

Saturday, September 21, 2013


有时觉得自己想树熊 难道就不可以过得自在一点吗
在外面的时候 没有男朋友在身边 就很寂寞
我好像很喜欢靠 喜欢有人陪伴
感觉好窝囊 唉 加油

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


暮然回首 還真的覺得時間過得特別快 尤其是第二年 簡直就像混混噩噩的過了
我在第八宿舍住了兩年 第三年我仍舊申請第八宿舍但是被拒絕了 因為我一點也不活躍宿舍活動-所以會有這種後果是活該
本來以為住去第十宿舍會很不習慣 很不喜歡 至少跟男朋友同一個宿舍
不過 其實不是那樣 我還真蠻喜歡第十宿舍的兩人房 感覺剛剛好 不會雜亂
而且那裡很平靜 又很涼爽
不必和別人打交道 因為你根本就不認識那些人(交換計劃的外國學生)
偶爾在洗衣間跟他們講講話 雞同鴨講的 不像以前住第八的時候朋友都在左鄰右舍 會去哈拉兩下 也許這就是有失才有得 老天爺還真的蠻公平的
唯一嚇到我的 就只有那些中國學生和韓國學生可以坦蕩蕩的沒有戴胸罩穿著很透視的衣服在宿舍裏面走來走去 這真的讓我傻眼 眼睛又不懂搖擺哪裡 這真的是文化上的差異
我其實還蠻羡慕他們的可以在別的國家待上一個學期又不用延遲畢業(所謂的可以transfer credit hours) 可惜我們的都沒有 如果可以我好想可以去台灣還是日本啊~~
算了吧 當下還是好好的努力用功讀書 然後存錢畢業再讓自己小小願望慢慢實現

Monday, September 16, 2013


雖然說 比起以前在家的時候 我現在是比較自由了
至少想去哪裡 就去那裡
心裏面最近很想去台灣 不知道是不是戲看多了 整個人好想移民過去
感覺那裡好好哦~我一定要去一次!努力存錢 :)
Airasia說有1million free tickets但我怎麼看都看不到哪裡來的免費
我第二個想去的地方是langkawi 而他想去的地方是泰國曼谷~Anyway, 那個便宜就去那裡吧
加油 jpa還沒來-又是省吃儉用的季節

Monday, August 26, 2013


不瞒大家说 我现在算是很努力地churpchurp和8share努力地要赚钱
因为觉得懒惰去做part time工 promoter之类的(觉得很像苦力 赚的钱也没有很多) 做网购呢 又懒得去理 懒得去开始, 去研究。

一年前 我是通过朋友的介绍 而开始玩的
那个时候 还有大家在面子书上互相按来按去 所以也不需要厚着脸皮要别人帮忙按进去
但是久了 问题也跟着来了
虽然我本来就预料到一些事情 但是 当事情真的发生的时候 我还是会很不悦
从开始到现在 总共该有3个人吧 我记得的
一个(马来人男的)说 (y) but please don't send me again, it is disturbing
一个更离谱(华人男的 家境不错的 说: no, I won't help you, I will report you as spam and unfriend you. [我当时很生气 本来想人下来的 但是我还是回骂他不懂得尊重别人 自以为有钱了不起]
现在这个(华人女的) 是我朋友来的 说: 不要一直send给我 谢谢 (再加一个笑脸)[我心里想说 要不是是朋友的话 也许你会写得更难听点 按进去也只是举手之劳 那么辛苦吗 那天你有求于我 我也不会让你好过 等着看吧]

我明白你们也有权利享受不受干扰的社交网站 我承认我又不对之处
但是 我觉得按进去也没什么 举手之劳 何必那么在意生气呢?
有时候就会想 为什么有些人就比较随便 有些人又那么犀利
老天爷 真的为这世上而养了许许多多不同中的人

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Real Holidays

Okay, I promise myself that I will update my blog more often when I finish my attachment report, in fact, it is not the case, hehe because it has been too many temptations around me such as watching drama series, be a helping hand of my mum, went back JB High Court and get back the signature of my supervisor, sometimes want do some little things for myself to eat. It has been quite a long time for me to do a dessert or whatever because of the attachment report, well, I post back and scan one copies to DZ already, so shouldn't be a problem now. Let's do what i plan previously..

Da Dang for the temporary, I am currently watching Inborn Pair 真爱找麻烦 and addicted on it. LOL
Chris Wang is so handsome and I realized Victor Wang's song is just match the scene. I like it very much :) So awed that this song is made in Malaysia as the 作词is易桀齐, highly recommend this song and specially dedicate to my dear Zack tan :

Thursday, August 15, 2013

农历生日快乐 我对自己说

今天是农历七月初九 是我农历的生日
妈妈今天早上弄了两粒鸡蛋给我吃 本来打算煮面线的 结果面线坏掉了 (算了吧)

偶然没事做的情况下 我就google了一下 农历生日 手痒去网上算婚姻配对算命 觉得蛮准的
于是我便决定把它copy过来啦 嘻嘻

男方生日:1991年1月19日 星期六
女方生日:1991年8月18日 星期日

Wednesday, August 14, 2013


This is my random post at which I want talk something about what am I doing and feeling recently LOL
ALMOST finish my attachment at all 3 places, i.e. Court (1 week), police station (1 week) and law firm-Messrs Syarikat Rodziah (for 1 month)
I will be officially free after 16/8/2013 6pm :) and enjoy my semester break 100% *lookingforward*
Even though I chose to doing my attachment at the end of second year and without close friends accompany me doing, I am still NOT REGRET because I am happy with what am I doing for this entire semester break and I find it more meaningful than previously.
Yes, about monetary terms, I get a very little bit allowance (as compared to people out there who ultilize their holidays to do a luxury part time job) and got to wake up quite early than usual, but I got something which I won't get it if I stay at home.
Let's not talk about what I got first because if I stated now then I will have nothing to talk in the next entry :p
Okay, until today, doing attachment is nice in the sense that you will know and face how your future life look alike, but the disadvantages is, it is pretty BORED. 
In both conveyancing and litigation department, all we have are documents/papers/books
So people like me who not really like to read things is freaking hard to accept the facts, BUT, I did try my very best to study all the files/affidavits/statutory declarations/SPA/Tenancy agreement/foreclosure proceedings/bankruptcy/winding up/accidents/divorce/adoptions/breach of contract e.t.c.
I can foresee my future...Okay no choice, I have chosen this path and I have to move on (maybe I just need to find many motivation to motivate and generate some energy for me LOL)

I guess my motivation will be keep thinking when will be my next trips to travel somewhere and go research on nice food and nice scenery, this makes me happier. By arranging the routes, thinking and calculating the most budget way to travel, I feel like I have fulfill one of my childhood's ambition-tour guide
Anyway, thank you my dear for willing to go anywhere with me

Tuesday, August 13, 2013


This has been the second time I insomnia in this week
My eyes were tired and sleepy but when I close my eyes, I cannot sleep.
I keep think of something bad happens recently and cause me keep pondering the same things until I stay awake after lying on bed for 2 hours. 
My eyes ready to sleep but my brain was NOT :( Melatonin refused to help regulate my sleep-wake cycle
My last insomnia experience will be when I still studying Form6 at home
When I cannot sleep and keep awake, I started to worry about tomorrow I cannot wake up, I got to wake up and go for attachment e.t.c, this makes me feel worst AGAIN.
Last night, luckily Zack was still awake so he can accompany me wechat and distract my concentration on negative thoughts
I believe that other than the negative thoughts on my mind, there were other reasons behind that which 'contribute' on my insomnia, there are:
i. feeling depressed and emotionally lately
ii. struggle with anxiety and worry
iii. sleeping environment (my next doors neighbours not considerate, keep laughing loudly in the midnight)
iv. health problems (getting mild flu recently)
v. Stimulating activity before bed time (online before sleep, especially asking friend to help me click ads, LOL)
vi. drinking a lot of caffeine (although people said cannot drink 8 hours before sleep, but I do think caffeine last longer than 8 hours, I drank coffee in the morning and teh tarik during lunch *servesyouright* )

Okay, now I should reconsider my living lifestyles to get rid of insomnia!
When I was in UM, I keep feel want sleep even I sleep enough up to 8 hours, but at home I insomnia, wasn't that really funny? Sarcastic enough..

Now, link back to the 'negative thoughts' I mentioned above
As far as I know about myself, I was kind a 'pantang person' where I really cannot hear about somebody passed away's news whoever the person is old, sick, accident or e.t.c.
Till now, I still cannot accept the facts that the person right in front of you now one day will 'back to the heaven or hell', somehow I will keep pondering what is the feeling when we passed away all that...until I feel damn scared
Undeniably, I become insomnia because of my emotion. Maybe is because of Lunar 7th month, it worsen my situation. (BUT, I was born in Lunar 7th month afterall LOL) 
From last week, I heard the news where one of the family met fatal accident which lead to 3 deaths and 1 injury [the deaths is a newly registered as husband and wife and their father, more importantly, I know their sister and feeling pretty sad and pity on behalf of her]
Then, the granny stay the same street with me passed away on 90 years [but she looked quite healthy and able to walk by herself despite her age, she can even cook to her family everyday, I talked to her before that and she is quite friendly. She is a Hainanese but I believe she learnt Mandarin while raising up her grandaughters until can speak with us] I feel sad also in this matter.
After one or two days, my next door's neighbour who just move in not more than 6 months I guess, the Malay auntie passed away because of breast cancer [although I not really can recognize her face when she was alive, but I still sad for her left especially she passed away on the first day of the Hari Raya Aidifitri, I know for cancer's patients, this might be well for them to relieve their pain, but for their family members, it still pains, especially for her husband]
Last Saturday, knowing that a well-known politician YB Tan Ah Eng passed away also due to breast cancer which expand to brain cancer, I feel rather sad as I know her because of Crystal and her mum.
When I know her, she was already a politician (it is about 9 years ago when I was Form 1) I went tuition with Crystal and Peiwen, sometimes when Crystal's mum was not free then she will send us home despite the facts that she is a busy politician. Other than that, she also indirectly help me by using her name to appeal for studying art stream in Form 6 when I was being assigned to study science stream initially and I did appeal once but unsuccessfully. Let's say if and only if I was not successfully appealed, I will not studying law and UM now. The point I feel extremely sad is that she serves the nations and country for almost half of her lifetimes, she sacrificed the time that she can spend with her family but yet, she passed away at this young age with pain and torture of sickness. OMG this is truly deep sad, my condolences to her family. When I read the news online, I feel sad again and again. YB, May you rest in peace, thank you for anything and everything even just a tiny matters. You such a good Samaritan, I am sure God will place you to heaven.

Lessons behind that-TREASURE WHAT YOU HAVE NOW


不知道是不是太久没见面了 亲爱的 七夕快乐 我是非常的想念你 
有你在 我真的好像什么都不怕
今天是七夕 我看着Google search engine大笑 但却真的蛮有意思的
像是有你在 我会少根筋 才不会里那么多 想那些不美好的事 也不会搞到失眠
有你在 坐公交的时候就不会怕有人从我上巴士到我下巴士都盯着我看 超有安全感地说
有你在 我就不用烦要怎样把鸡胸肉吃完 (但心里面明明就觉得很腻)
有你在 就有人可以帮我去掉鱼骨 去掉虾壳
现在突然很想念你欺负我的日子 哈哈

哈哈 我真的在等开学 可以天天黏在你身边的日子 但又开始担心我们会常吵架
我们要努力存钱然后一起到很多地方玩 然后拍照 我要拍这样子的照片啦

Monday, July 22, 2013


觉得这首歌很赞 也许是因为看戏的关系吧

Friday, July 5, 2013


生命没有输赢 只有值不值得 任何事情 任何经历 不是得到 就是学到
这是我在微博看到的 觉得很有意思 而且也对现在的状况来说非常的贴切

对这个attachment我亦是这种想法 当初想要今年做的原因是想让自己对这份未来的工作更加有热忱 读起书来应该更得心应手吧
其实 这一切都还好 我可以接受很闷 但是我能接受 浪费时间 还有每天要早起 :(
一个人做工 一个人想 一个人吃饭 一个人走在大街上 前所未有的寂寞感重现
还真是像 乐活 慢活 爱生活呢

今天的午饭时间实在太长 于是我一个人在cs绕绕 在popular看到一句话-人生最长的情路, 是心和嘴的距离

做工了过后 什么都不想去 我只想回家睡觉 想旅行 (我一定要在毕业前去些有特色的地方

看他们long call不由自主的为他们感到开心 虽然没有一个是from UM的
但是那场面还是感动 想必他们也是苦尽甘来 这里是感动的一刻, 连我的心都可以有如此的澎湃 这4年9个月 不简单 熬出头了, 我也要加油咯! 这个attachment 让我更喜欢我以后的工作了、
即使是long call 但是还是用很官方的用词-petitioner..

看了session court的case 顿时觉得这世界不是那么美好 尤其是马来西亚
人总是以为没有发生在自己身上 就觉得没事了 其实不然, 每天都有很多罪,打枪的, 非礼的...

一个人的午餐 一个人回家 一个人逛街 一个人喝咖啡
前所未有的寂寞 因为我曾经拥有过 所以现在疼痛的receptort特别敏感 亲爱的 我很想你 虽然说 我们才一个礼拜没见 但那感觉像是很快又要开学了 但事实上 我上个拜五才回家啊

做了一个礼拜 来来回回jb-kt 这是我第一次自己买starbucks来喝 这是hot mocha 我一直都很不舍得喝的 但是今天实在是太长时间了 所以只好这样了 加油 再接再厉 <3 p="">


这个假期 有点出乎意料 本来计划好的事 最后还是突如其来的人算不如天算 打错算盘
拜五晚上回到家 拜六雅苗 婉琪 在倩妮家过夜 准备隔天一走要一起去刁曼岛 所以我跟他们一起去吃晚餐
这一切都还很ok 一直到我接到他的电话说他接到云顶的电话叫他去上班
当下我吃着甜品轩的甜品 觉得一点也不甜 反而多了很多愁
虽然说 其实不管他是在家还是去云顶工作 我们都没有的天天见面
但是 我一向来都不喜欢他那种很爱讲话 跟每个人都很熟的性格 因为那会让我觉得我都没有优先权 很没有安全感
再说 平时没有做工的时候 就已经对我爱理不理 工作了还得了
生气 吵架 斗气 结果只是自己气自己 因为想气他 却只气到自己
他说我不相信他 理直气壮的觉得自己没有错 还说要自由 听了就很生气 他却没有要安抚我的意思
那几天心情真的很差 几乎每个晚上都在被窝里偷哭 隔天早上就双眼红肿
我承认我是斗气 但是他就是不肯低头 简直就是气爆了

说说这几天的attachment 其实我觉得这个过程是要让你更喜欢你以后的工作 或者反之
在法庭上班 其实还蛮闷的 但是我今天看了magistrate审后 突然觉得翻译员是份很重要的工作
庆幸还有senior跟我一起做attachment不然我一定闷死了 而且一定不敢偷溜
每顿午餐 都在聊八卦

说到云顶 本来想说不管怎样 都可以联络到对方
谁知道他睡觉的地方竟然连线都没有 data更是不用说了 简直是无言 那他在做什么我也不知道 一点都不让人感觉到我在谈恋爱 更气的是 她根本就不会主动联络我
打了一通电话给我就挂了 再打回去就又是没有线 真是火大
每天都这样 两个月说长不长说短不短 我觉得这份等待的感觉很不好受
也许 这种事我永远也办不到吧
我的个性 控制欲很强 他的个性喜欢自由 不喜欢别人管
果然 我们要在一起真的不简单 都在各忙各的 很炫 为什么会这样呢 我也不知道
所以 我该看开吗? 我不想
这两个月后绝对不能叫我在这样继续过日子 要还真是那样的话 我想那个结局就是最残酷的结局 这几天很空虚 寂寞 几乎很想找别人出来跟我聊聊天
原来你那么重要到 这种地步
就不知道 今晚你想念的人会不会是我 我想念的人会不会想到我

Tuesday, June 18, 2013


考完criminal law 很庆幸自己不管写得好不好 都来得及把所有问题都做完了
歇一歇, 于是 我们俩看了 赵薇为导演的这部戏
说真的, 还不错 只是有很多事显得太匆忙 都没有交代清楚 这也许就是美中不足的地方
亦或是 青春本来就是很多事都没办法交代清楚的阶段?

这部戏勾起我对《那些年 我们一起追的女孩》 的记忆
同时 有勾起了我想要写文章的冲动
虽然文笔不佳 但是偶尔写写感性的文字 一直都是我的爱好 我是不是应该趁考完试这个长假写一写呢?
介绍大家看 真的很写实:

Sunday, June 16, 2013


以前在家的时候 要讲父亲节快乐都很难启齿
现在 在外面读书 却有本事把这句话讲出来 哈哈
我只希望父母安康, 那就很感恩了 <3 p="">

Thursday, June 13, 2013


这一张paper就是Constitutional Law
曾经很讨厌它 因为要懂很多东西才可以考好
比如说 政治还有很高的智商和逻辑 (我觉得啦)
可是 2个小时后就这么考完了
昨晚1点睡 早上七点起身
早上去study room的时候 看到别人还在睡得打呼 就觉得很羡慕
同时, 我也觉得很愧疚 因为我自己要读书的关系 在别人睡觉的地方开灯 虽然说我觉得没怎样 不是我的错 是谁教你在不是属于你睡觉的地方睡觉?
这张试卷 对自己是有诸多不满意在compulsory question 每次都死在compulsory question 我觉得我好像不想活了
就这样 很快就要结束我的第二年生涯 开始有点稍微不舍 (虽然我曾经好想快点毕业赚钱 但我总觉得大学这几年真的过得超快的 比起幼稚园 小学 中学 中六 快多了
好想你来不及享受大学生活的话 就要埋头苦干的工作了
我在这里有一个小小的希望 希望我这张paper可以考个B 不要再像上一张考到C+罢了
这样才算对得起老师 哈哈 再怎么说 他都很喜欢亲爱的 上课还每次拿我们开玩笑
总觉得以后会很想念他 lol
很久没有这感觉了 以前就会有
再接再厉 加油吧 还有4张试卷 就跟第二年拜拜
然后 希望我的attachment成功 顺利 还有很多东西要学习
在想 如果我不是因为英文不好的话 我应该会很坚持的要去做constitutional和criminal因为我觉得比较有趣 总觉得比contract land那些好多了 哈哈哈 加油

Sunday, June 2, 2013


这一次 我说我要早点回去
老爸很不解的想我为什么那么早回去 (想要早回去的理由很多, 一是怕输,二是为了不要吵架, 三是为了方便)
不知怎么搞的 我竟然又生病了 每次回家都生病 都不知道怎么搞的
今天竟然差不多要用完一卷卫生纸 鼻子红得像猴子的屁股
一边擤鼻涕一边读书的我 老妈竟然摸一摸我的头说了说话
我顿时感动不已 我下定决心要好好读书
愧疚的觉得自己很不孝 这么快又要回去了
我突然想到, 一个女人要嫁出去是需要很大的勇气 因为要离开家里

Saturday, June 1, 2013


这次 我决定不要回那么久
平均在家一个星期 在学校准备考试一个星期
那就算公平吧 哈哈哈
每次还没到家的时候 我就会很想见很久没见的老师朋友们
但是到家的时候 又放不开手里的工作
不知道是老了 还是怎样
想起那些曾经很疼爱我的老师 有时会很心痛 因为也好多年没见了 不知道大家最近好吗

明天就是礼拜天了 明天他就要回去了
我开始又要emo了 因为那个时候 我们的距离会更远 要等我拜四回去才可以见面了
我真的没用 又舍不得你了 我真不知道要怎么过考完试后的两个月假期啊

想到被选上还有一堆事要忙 要轮流顾 还真是烦 好像可以陪我的时间更少了

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

路见不平 无人相助

途中都是盲人 视而不见 充耳不闻
荒缪不已 当局者迷旁观者清
如今事已成定局 心中的怒火仍旧久久不能灭

Saturday, January 26, 2013


昨天去了学校当妈妈的翻译员 去了解了什么是PBS
PBS不仅增加老师负担 还有让老师偏心的可能性
因为评估学生的是天天和你见面的老师 而不是以前考卷纸上改着你没有写名字 只写着考试编号和身份证号码的答案
老师不是神 我相信 一定会各有所好 那是不是意味着 比较讨喜的学生即使没有料也可以得到BAND6呢? 这很令人怀疑
别的不说 光说评估系统和网络系统就好 校本评估老师必须在特定的时间网络上传成绩 试问全马有那么多学校 当每个老师同时key in的时候是怎样的?
老师们一知半解 根本就无法有效地执行
再说评估的模式和标准过于复杂 从前填鸭式的方法教学都无法完成课程纲要 现在推行这项教育政策 可想而知更是无法完成课程纲要了
说我老古板也好 我还是觉得PMR是对的
校本评估实行了这么久 教师们都感觉到教育不只是换汤不换药 因为校本评估根本没有减少考试 反而增加了很多评估的考卷我
教师们还得记录每一位学生的每一个等级的分数 这种工作 与高级书记有何不同 教师的工作不是在记录学生成绩 是把学生教成对社会有贡献的人不是吗?我们必须深思 为何当今的教师们在教书了一段日子后, 逐渐对教学工作失去了兴趣? 就是因为教育部设下的工作范围 与教师们的意愿有很大的出入
教师的工作就是教好学生 如今却是如何做好文书工作 这样的师资团队 我国的教育要到几时才进步呢?

Friday, January 25, 2013

RM200 smartphone rebate

I bought myself a smartphone due to impulsive maybe?
Because I never think for changing a new phone so recent even though my NOKIA C3 keep not cooperate with me, I still insisted to stick with it
Until that day I yumcha then they asked me why I don't change mine only then I have a second thought
The next day, I went town with Mum and went Senheng to take a look (because only Senheng no data plan, others operator all need subscribe their data plan)
I have my plan after I look for the choices-CHEAP,NICE v EXPENSIVE,NICE
of course, I am so stingy, I will choose CHEAP, NICE category
Only 2 choices left with me, one is SONY XPERIA TIPO and HTC WILDFIRE S (because SAMSUNG GALAXY ACE PLUS no stocks already)
*But actually I have been fond on HTC a long time*
The next day which is Tuesday, I set up my mind and go and buy HTC Wildfire S :)
It stated RM499 after rebate will be RM299. This is true, BUT the staff said add on 4 years warranty (RM45) and need to register to be a member of Senheng (RM12) Thus, altogether will be RM356
Is it a rebate? I don't think so.

Well, proceed to my HTC
It looks nice for me although it is not white in colour
The ANGRIST thing is that they not even provide me screen protector, is this a good service?
HTC wildfire is just nice, with its appearance, the only defects of it is the internal memory, it really makes me no extra space for some apps
The camera is just awesome because even my boyfriend's Samsung Galaxy Tab also lose mine 5 Megapixels