Monday, October 7, 2013


小时候 念书的动力 是一步一步迈向自己对未来的想象和憧憬 再加上把考试考好 被师长称赞的那种优越感
关于上课 我忘了 我只记得小时候只读两年幼稚园 而那些读三年的就比我早一年就开始上课了
每天看着雪晶时间一到就背着小书包走出去等巴士 就很羡慕的说 
长大后 喜欢上课是因为可以跟朋友讲话 见到朋友
现在 老了 才发现念书, 学习好像是一辈子的事 永远都做不完 永远都不会有完结篇 
看见学长学姐毕业了 我很是羡慕 我还有两年 加油呗 我一定可以的
最近有点小忙 脾气很不好 我好期待假期
庆幸的是 我找到了一个我念书的动力--(不是我男朋友, 虽然他也是其中一个动力)

看到这张蛋椅 整个人心情都好去 
只可惜一椅难求 明天7个小时马拉松上课 所以我要说晚安咯

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Study life

This is the 4th week of lecture, even though this is my 3rd year of law school where core subjects turn less, but I still feel my time is not enough
EL is not as interesting as I think. Learning Thai (particularly a brand new language) for me is like I feel like I was an idiot, I cannot even persuade myself to pronounce it and treat it as another meaning. Okay, I just hope I can boost my pointer as I planned. Another EL is English in advertising, the lecture is bored, every Mon and Wed 3-4pm (take a nap time) especially this is the time where my stomach digest my lunch and I felt sleepy. Nevertheless, the tutorial is just nice, I discovered many special advertisement which I never see it and even take a look on it.
About Project Paper, this really headache me. I think I will do renewable energy act (solar energy) as what my supervisor Prof. Abu Bakar suggested. At least he can guide me and provide me some resources :P
But the problem now is I not yet squeeze a time for the Literature Review, methadology all that... 11/11/13 will be the due date, when is it can I finished it?
Employment assignment due date 18/10/13 (2 weeks more from now)
English research topic due date 28/10/13
Haji holidays is next week. OMG is going to be crazy especially with the freaking cold air-cond in the library
Because of lack of time and time management, I always opt for short book like when I studied contract, I used Alsagoff, PIL I used Abdul Ghafur. Now, Company law turn, I use Chan Wai Meng. Super lazy bum indeed. HAHA