Friday, December 5, 2014


距离我看上一部台湾偶像剧 大概是半年前的事了
这是过了好久能再一次让我感动的一部戏 (我很少推荐别人看什么戏 当然我更少会在我的部落格上特地介绍,今天是我完成了所有这个学期的assignment 所有我回到部落格的怀抱 :) )

很佩服林心如工作室的这项作品 故事很好 就连主题曲,插曲, 片尾曲都好赞 只是结局很伤感 :'( 
恭喜16个夏天荣登2014十大人气偶像剧之冠 我真的觉得很实至名归
因为情节太感动了 最后几集我简直哭惨了 所以即使看完一个星期后的我还是很有feel的想要写部落格
16个夏天很写实 它不煽情 而且很朴实 所有我很喜欢 当然林心如和杨一展的演技也功不可没

如果在大学时期 他们就认定对方 也不一再错过对方的话, 他们就不需要等16年才得到幸福 而且还匆匆牵手之后阴阳相错。16年耶!(好感叹)

“谈过的恋爱,并不会像剪掉的头发,风一吹~就飘走了。 谈过的恋爱,会变成叶片上的纹脉、脚踝上的微血管, 贮存记忆、维持生命,难以察觉,但一直存在。”

唐家妮在最后一集说:“这是我们这辈子最后一次错过, 等下次重逢,就是永远。”


Wednesday, December 3, 2014


我万万也没想到会有一天需要我曾经伤过的右脚来支撑 (虽然说我这次的伤没有上次严重是很庆幸的说)
当然脚伤对我来说从来不是一件新奇的事 我二年级的时候扭伤了右脚踝 中三的时候弄伤了左膝盖 大一的时候扭伤右脚踝 现在大四竟然下楼梯跌倒扭伤我的左脚根和肌肉
不同的是我这次还没有告诉爸妈这件事 我想要自己照顾好自己 也许是因为这次没那么严重吧 我也不想他们担心
我希望我的左脚快点好  淤青快快散去 周末我想要去走走呢

Tuesday, November 11, 2014


每次无意中从收音机听到很久没听到的歌 感触久很深 常常会回想那个时候的我都在做些什么 想些什么

 让时间开口陈述着我的成长 6年前的歌让我想起6年前的我

Thursday, September 25, 2014


So now is my final year. I just want say kolej kediaman tuanku bahiyah is the worst college i have stay so far.Noisy and you can even hear others conversation outside the corridor clearly as if they were talking inside your room.
My insomnia problems seems to probe in my life again. Because i cannot sleep under noisy and lamp situation. I got talkative roomates, she can talk in any circumstances, it could be 630am when another roomates reached room from home. It can also like what happened right now, talking with others through phone 1am despite showing tolerance of others who got early class tomorrow. I truly understand her anxiousness but please think of others also. I also so scared that during exam i cannot sleep soundly and cannot perform well. Okay, now is 1.35pm my class is 8am tomorrow. God bless

Friday, August 29, 2014


玲字的左半部分為壹個“王”字,王者氣,脾氣不好,好發號施令管人,玲字的右半部分為壹個“令”字,有王有令在家中說的算,令字在事業上做管理,領班,教師類不錯。綜合起來看“玲”字在婚姻上多數為晚婚者,通常多在30歲後結婚,有較好的修養,氣質高,不過在身體上易有磕碰傷。 長相中上,皮膚好。

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Something interesting :D


p/s: 难道老天爺姓氏吗? 


p/s: 看吧, 诺贝尔恨数学 ;)


p/s: 基督教伊斯兰教明明就同样涞源, 只是版本, 哪个宗教

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

乱世下的女人真的很悲哀 :(




在于人道立场   希望美国能继续轰炸
牺牲少数总好过让他们壮大   顾三及四的行动根本无效  大量灭绝这组织后 益利日后再谈

So, this is the second best religion around the world as according to Top 10 religion in the world, there are 1.3 billion of Muslims in the world.
This kind of news was not found in any mainstream media in Malaysia, I read it in China's news. Does this meant people with minority will be bully and can be bullied with no pride? This sounds nothing different with what Japan had done for us during World War II. United Nations, please do something to help the women there!

Monday, August 18, 2014

Simply for sharing, copy from somewhere

我们目睹的这场在全球范围的冲突,不是宗教  或  文明的冲突
它是那种属于中世纪的心理  和  21世纪思维之间的冲突它是先进和落后的冲突     文明和原始的冲突
冲突     是自由和压迫的冲突     是民主和专制的冲突
我们没有看到一个犹太人             用杀人来表达抗议
我们也没有看到一个佛教徒         去烧毁清真寺    去杀穆斯林   或攻击人家的大使馆

只有穆斯林,用烧毁人家的教堂    杀人    毁掉人家的使领馆来捍卫他们的信仰


穆斯林在要求世人尊敬他们之前,必须问自己    可以向人类贡献什

I'm reading from somewhere where I cannot verify the source. It is said to be an Arabic woman's debate, I amazed by her courage, at least, she let the whole world know that there are still someone from that religion are awake. At the same time, I feeling afraid of her safety. Anyhow, good words from her if it is true that this statement are made from her.

I am not that 100% faith for religion and I am not saying that my religion is good enough, BUT at least we do not destroy other's. Of course, I am not spreading about discrimanation too. She earned my respect!

Friday, August 1, 2014

Hi August :)

Hello August, a brand new month, another one month for me to enjoy my remaining holidays
Although I have been working like an intern, but my life wasn't that bad because I still have my own life while working,studying, baking, yumcha-ing, dating, etc.

August is a patriotic month for Malaysia. But, for me, August is a month for my birthday :)
I can feel the sun is super bright on August, and the sunflower smile happily than usual. LOL

Bye, July! On this brand new month, I hope all the tragedies can stop for a moment now as it has been so many tragedies happened these few weeks. From Malaysia to all over the world.

Hopefully, I will not be rejected by college application since I had been almost 10 times being rejected for any college I applied. I know I should have more determination on this because it has been hard for me because I am final year this coming September. I am not really willing to rent outside because of the 2+1 deposit, the unfurnished bad condition, the incomplete furniture..

All the best August~

Monday, July 14, 2014


这个假期 我想我看的戏不管是爱情片 综艺节目 香港的韩国的台湾的 都比以前来得多
不晓得是长大了 还是身边发生的事多 我的感触也跟着特别多
对于很多事开始有了多虑 包括每个女孩最渴望最憧憬的婚姻
结婚看似多么幸福美好的事 也还是有其需要担心的点;
第三,婚后有儿有女 还是要防小三
pls: 也许,人生的本质就是烦吧?

Merger/Vesting Order/Change of Name

I never care about any merger plan, vesting order, change of name previously because I think the merger is definitely good for me as a consumer, user, etc as it involves many giant and powerful stuffs together.

Now, I care and I will provide you my reason(s) after this.
Firstly, merger may involve the retrenchment of workers, this will incur losses on the unfortunate worker
Second, vesting order and change of name incur extra monetary charges on discharge of charge on borrower! Each decision the bank do will cause inconvenience and extra works and money for others, so dear bank, please think wisely. And it is not cheap for the documents too. For example, Oriental Finance to Oriental Bank and changed to EON Bank, and then from EON Bank to HongLeong Bank. This 3 changes incur extra RM360 on the previous borrower.


小时候, 以为长大后可以随心所欲做自己想做的事
长大后, 才发觉随心所欲是不可能发生的事 因为无论怎么样, 总会有规矩条例来限制我们 让我们的表现更好
然而, 我不喜欢这些规矩。但是我却念了最多规矩的法律系。很可笑吧?

Thursday, July 3, 2014


考完试放假两个月 有的人马上飞去别的国家度假 有的人回家当职业米虫 有的人继续努力工作 有的人被迫去attachment
我算是努力工作的类型吧~做了那么多分工作 我真的好像没有一份是真心喜欢的
现在这份工作是我自己找的 也是最接近我以后行业的工作
如果要我评价这份工作 就只有朝九晚六符合我的心意
虽然我知道他们也都是好意 所以才会给我工作让我学习的更快 而且还分一个月conveyancing部门一个月litigation部门 只是还是有小小压力压在我自己身上 比如说我很怕我忘了做什么事然后到期了 (虽然我深深明白 因为我还是新人又是学生 大家会对我的要求少一点)但是想着有位跟我同年的友族女书记都结婚生子了 还有一个小我几岁的学妹都可以办到 我也绝对可以 年龄绝对不是问题
不过 做着做着的同时又会想反正我以后会顺利成为律师 这些都不需要我做 为什么我要学?
说真的我开始对我的前途感到茫茫 虽然说我已经不小了, 再多7年就3张了
最近是有做着一些研究 还是没有办法想象以后要跟我亲爱的男朋友分隔两地工作的情形
如果说要留在家里 新山的律师楼 我认识的都是KL由分行的大公司 我很怕跟别人竞争 也不想跟别人竞争 但是现实是如果你不想竞争 你去小律师楼 你就是一脚踢 包括书记的工作都是你一手包办
还有就是薪水问题 我承认我也是看钱办事的人 (虽然我目前这份假期工都不晓得可以领到多少钱)我还有很多目标要实现 所以我对钱真的不会妥协 尤其是坐在律师楼看着比我小几岁的人不必靠自己就已经有自己的资产 我更是羡慕妒忌又看不过眼
只是 有时我会想想 他们这些书记到底每个月月薪大概到底有多少 却愿意一直坐在这里

pls 我突然间好怕我以后什么都不想做哦 :(

昨天 有一科的成绩出了 虽然考的没有很差 但是一眼望下来 每个人的成绩都好像比我好 我又开始心里不平衡 觉得她随便改 但是如果申请重改的话 不止要花钱还要背着可能考更差的危险
有时想想读书读得多好像不代表什么 你比别人努力 并不代表你的收获就会比别人好 这社会本来就没有公平这种事 突然觉得很感慨又很无奈

Monday, June 9, 2014



Pls: 其实越长大越发现我们最离不开的还是家人!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

现今的社会 小三小王当道?

一纸婚姻是保障?如果说婚姻是坟墓 现在竟然还有人来盗墓!

Sunday, May 25, 2014

大三• 末之感

终于大三生涯即将结束 考完试放两个月假期就是大四了
时间真的过得很快 想当年还是个黄毛丫头 一转眼就快要大四 再过不久就要毕业了
大三过得真的蛮痛苦的 上课极为抽象 还要被论文搞得傻乎乎 深怕抄袭的嫌疑
我还是怀念大二的时候 虽然core paper很多 但是还算精彩
大三是有很多时间可以自习 但是好像被写论文蹉跎掉了
大一傻乎乎的根本没有读书的诀窍 懵懵懂懂的过了
剩下两个学期 我开始舍不得大学生活了

我还真会想当年 想当年UM不必面试 我去了UKM的面试 一转眼我在马大法律系混了三年了
原以为这次来系里面试的 都是法律系的未来学弟妹 昨天去瞄了瞄名单 发现经济系和工商也在这里面试
才惊觉马大系院重组(UM faculty merger plan)好像真的要实现了 本来还想说希望这个计划等我毕业后才实行 习惯了高高在上的我们(包括我自己) 还真的很不想跟其他系沾上边 因为这样好像会 ‘拖衰家’ [广东话] 再加上很有可能会在跌排名 毕竟马大法律系在世界排名还是比整个马大好的叻

其实我反对面试 因为这样考4.0的状元还需要跟其他考比他差的人竞争 请问这样对吗 公平吗
再说,面试面的好还不就靠把嘴 ‘得把口’ [广东话] 并不能代表什么

Friday, May 23, 2014

粗心时总期许被原谅 人家不小心就得理不饶人

前人说得好,大学是个小社会, 反映着人性还有政治
政治一向不是我的菜, 我一直都以一个旁观者的身份在观察着
在我还没有进入马大法律系时 政治对我来说是不关我的事
法律系大一的时候,目睹当届理事会被质问的局面 才发现原来这小社会是那么的犀利, 那刻我确实有吓到
大二的时候 我亲爱的男朋友要选财政 好像是那时候我才有正视政治这个课题 我不是圣人 我当然有私心 谢天谢地 他当选了
同一年我满21岁 顺利登记成为合法选民 于是2013年的大选 我来得及参与 但是还是没法改变什么
今年我大三了 校园选举的时候 4个出来选的, 3个是自己同学,1个是学弟。其中2位同学选择以新联盟身份参选 而另2位则以独立人士的资格
前几天 我亲爱的男朋友还有其他友人的法律系学生理事会解散,因而开始了2位主席候选人之战让我觉得每个人都是双重标准 当然我不否认每个人都有支持其中一方的选择 即使是朋友情人也会有意见不合的时候

呛的是菜单文化,而可笑的事试问你前几个月支持的就不是个联盟吗 为什么当初你支持现在又说不行?
没有错 你是有言论自由,但是对方也有结社自由不是吗
你说千万不要因为是朋友/男朋友/buddy的朋友而投票 但你又何尝不是因为他是你的好朋友而在网上搅局?当然你绝对有帮朋友竞选的自由,如果你今天在系里是低调又默默无名的人 你这么做 也许我不会多说什么 可是你不是 你这样做多多少少都影响了其他人
然后你说菜单文化为什么大家接受, 那请问为什么先例这么做 你们又没说什么?这不是双重标准吗?

OK,大家都是会员, 没有事不会聚头。一年一度的聚头日就是比赛谁呛得比较辣 你们看似很关心 但是关心的好像只有自己以前有参与过的事 (我知道我无权过问)你们都不相信别人 别人的付出和努力不见得又被表扬 却只有质问。没有称赞不打紧,我想要说的是,那么不信任别人,干嘛你当初不出来选?平时也不关心,就一年一度来质问两下




Sunday, May 18, 2014

Pancake House

 the pancake is awesome with honey! :)
 Big fish meal, only RM15.90 
A big set of meal :)
Overall, it is quite a big portion of meal, I think I will go for second time :)

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Antipodean Cafe Bangsar

This is our first try after so many favourable comments had been given by others over them!
 The cappuccino there is tempting, looking nice, and indeed nice, even the art!
 This is the popular big breakfast ordered by me

And this dish I have no idea about its name

Overall, the ambience there is just nice, it is suitable to go for high tea with bestie :)
The food is quite western for me, but if you really western enough, the meal will be suitable for you!

No.20, Jalan Telawi 2, Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur. +60322820411
Opening hours: 
Sun-Thu: 8am-10pm
Fri-Sat: 8am-11pm

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Ribs King排骨王@Taman Paramount, Sea Park

This is not the first time I went there for dinner, but this is my first try to write a food blogpost :)
The set meal there is affordable (RM7.90-9.90) with variety of pork, spare ribs, fish and chicken! and it is quite a big portion, suitable for big eater!
 Zack的妈蜜鱼 RM8.90
 三人share的芙蓉蛋 RM10
 雅苗的奶油猪扒 RM9.90

我的红酒猪扒 RM8.90

#There is no service charge or government tax here yet :)

Address: 25, Jalan 20/7, Paramount Garden, 46300 Petaling Jaya.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Human tendencies

Let's talk about human tendencies today, it is something that we routinely and habitually do unconsciousness leading to both intended and unintended consequences.
We as an ordinary human, tends to impose a higher duty on others instead of the duty of ourselves towards another, this is in line with the ancient jurists's saying--'human are born to be selfishness'
Don't keep saying people ditch you don't care you, did you ever self-examined yourself? Everything you started and you point your finger on us?
I just feel something not right, maybe draw a circle is your expertise! Guess so...hmmm...
Of course everyone have their own right to do anything they wished to do
Well, I do believe that as long as you don't care that matter, it will not harm you at all.
The childish one, please, it is not because people afraid of you, scared to confront with you, it is just because we don't wish to be the reflection of you! I herein wish you all the best in your future, I sincerely believe that the society won't have such a forbearance to obey you.
One quote for you, please don't treat everyone like nothing and treat yourself like everything.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Mid sembreak aka holidays

I am home after 7 weeks of study, I didn't find any weekends to back home
I don't know what I actually busy for, but I am really not enough time to get everything done..
Project paper get stuck in half-way, 3 assignment(S) is after me and tutorial(S) preparation
Thanks God I am home and enjoying my holidays while working hard for my homework like a bull
Recently, I received a funniest text so far, I am not going to reveal what is about, what I want to tell is: 'you should have some self-reflection before you point your fingers on others', try to place yourself on others' shoes, you must have do something on others before this happened on you, this is how karma works which I strongly believed in.
I think we shouldn't keep blaming on others without thinking about what have we did. I also think that I should have stop tolerate, I believe we are in the right side, God bless!

Well, time to have some chilling moment! This is the sizzling chocolate brownie we have last Wednesday at The Manhattan Fish Market Sogo Mall, taste not bad lah just a bit cost RM12.90 (excluded government and service tax)

Friday, March 7, 2014

Influenced by jurisprudence--caste system

Coincidentally, it has been 2 months from my previous post
Well, Sem 1 of third year ended, I finished all my exams, I passed all my papers, my holidays has been ended as well
Now, here comes my Sem 2 of third year, of course, something new about this semester, there is a core paper named 'Jurisprudence' which talked about the ancient philosophers and their thoughts.
It is a paper where almost every seniors shaken their heads when being asked on how to study Juris.
Hmm, interestingly, I still feel Ok for this course, not too annoyed for me because I somehow feel Trust is rather killing me >_<
Of course, I am not here today to talk about what subject I took for this semester. Linked back to Jurisprudence, Plato's idealism supported caste system which I humbly believed it still existing until today.
Of course, I am not a supporter of caste system where the upper pyramid layer must be intellectual group, and followed by soldiers and slaves. What I am trying to say is : There is still a group of elite group in the society (maybe it happens to some classes or batch). Some event only happens to attract them and nobody bothers it, some attitude or behaviour only happens to made by them and not the lower level of the pyramid.
Me, as a intermediate level of the society do strive my very best in everything. I did not feel guilty about myself, although I admit that I feel a bit inferior among others. I never feel let my parents or even myself down. I know, I am not perfect, BUT I am still the real me, I am not fake. I dislike high profile, I feel easygoing with what I do now.
Thanks God for what you gifted me. I will be continuing be determined on what I am doing now, I believe I will be success one day for sure!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Happy New Year 2014, this is my first entry in 2014
Again, this is exam period not much thing to talk, all is about luck...
Study about will, spotted will will come out for exam but God knows tracing become the compulsory question? 
My hand shakes even though I read tracing, I somehow not sure about my application, don't know does it satisfied Prof's style.
Well, all is past, I left company law to finish my third year first sem. Another 4 days to go...Then I will be free and ease to do everything I want.
In this brand new year, I have a list of things to do... Hope I will get it all done by the end of 2014
Started to dislike facebook because I think it is very full with rubbish messages, news...emotions...Facebook for me know was all about study's group, no much more, so I decided to post anything about myself in wechat, weibo, twitter and blog.
Still feel blessed to have him in my life although most of the time, he made me feel stressed. Lol